Eligibility Guidelines for PMP Healing Clinics
At our clinics, we provide services at no cost so that they are accessible to people who could not otherwise access this care. Our resources are limited and we understand that people’s situations are complex, and also that people prioritize expenses differently. However, if we aren’t reaching folks who need these services most, we are not meeting our mission, so we ask for your help in reflecting upon your own eligibility.
This document may help clarify what we mean when we say “people who could not otherwise access alternative health care.”
Here are some examples of circumstances that potentially signal eligibility:
If you:
- Are part of a group that has historically been and continues to be oppressed by systemic racism
- Are part of a demographic/community that has historically been and continues to experience poor health due to systemic oppression
- Do not have health insurance
- Qualify for food assistance and/or have difficulty accessing healthy food
- Live in unstable, transitional, or assisted housing; are houseless; have difficulty paying rent; live in an area that feels unsafe
- Have unstable transportation or lack of access to transportation
- Are a recent immigrant to the US or are a migrant worker
- Are a formerly incarcerated person
- Are a single parent with limited income
- Are experiencing life circumstances causing instability, such as: early recovery, domestic violence, being a caretaker for grandchildren or other dependents that are not your children, job loss, policy-based family separation, etc.
Please remember that these are only examples. We cannot include every possible nuanced situation in this list; it is merely a jumping off point.
If you feel that your situation is not appropriate for receiving clinic services, we can point you towards many resources for affordable and sliding scale options in our community. If this is still unclear or you have further questions, please reach out at clinic@peoplesmedicineproject.org! We will continue to encourage folks to self-select and count on everyone to help us meet our mission to increase accessibility.