Kathy has been an acupuncturist for over 20 years. She is a long-time practitioner of T’ai Chi and student of Classical Chinese Medicine. She is also trained as a Classical Homeopath.
This is how Kathy describes acupuncture: “When the energetic rivers of our body flow freely, when the soil is rich and fertile and stable, when the cycles of rest and activity, the cycles of night and day are balanced, then we feel in tune, we are in health, we are nurtured in our lives. Acupuncture can help us guide us toward this state of well-being.”
Here’s how Kathy describes homeopathy: “The path of Homeopathy is a process of unfolding that asks only a desire and a willingness to grow. It is not magical thinking, but a proven method of helping the body to heal itself, honoring our own inner wisdom and the innate capacity to heal ourselves.”