Whew, hello friends!
When we last updated you in early-August, the programming for this fall was merely a twinkle in our eye. But very quickly after that, we pooled most of our resources into adapting our existing clinic model into a series of outdoor, covid-19 safe mobile clinics, and we hit the ground running in early September (more on that below). Meanwhile, we have also been doing the work of tending to relationship: meeting with partners and participating in workshops (more on this below too).
Before we share any more, though, I want to take a moment to publicly thank the supporters (you know who you are) who came together in a rapid fundraising campaign to meet a match from a private foundation and help us raise enough money (in just a few weeks!) to make these clinics happen: the power of community, it’s really something!
You know, I was explaining what we do to a friend a couple of weeks ago, and they said something to the effect of, “It’s amazing that something like that exists— how is it funded?”
We actually get this response a lot, because very few organizations in this country do what we do. In fact, we can count on one hand the number of on-going free clinics that we are aware of that offer integrative CAM (complementary and alternative modalities)— let along through a consent-based and social justice lens.
So, when you participate— by going to a workshop, donating supplies or dollars, or coming to clinic…. (continued…)