Acupuncture is a technique that stimulates specific points on the body—most often by inserting tiny needles in the surface of the skin.
The points correspond with meridians, or energy channels. The aim of acupuncture is to bring balance to our systems so that our bodies can better heal themselves. Acupuncture is at least 2500 years old and is one of the practices used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
What conditions are supported by acupuncture?
Well known treating for pain syndromes and for releasing what is blocked, acupuncture also works deeply on any imbalance in the body, structural or functional, emotional or spiritual.
Nervous system disorders, digestive and respiratory imbalances, circulatory and hormonal disorders can all be treated effectively with acupuncture. This energetic traditional healing art can regulate and restore the flow of our vital energy, or Qi.
Does it hurt?
Fear of needles makes some people nervous about trying acupuncture. While you occasionally may feel a pinch or a pulling sensation when these tiny needles first go in, that feeling disappears almost immediately. Acupuncture patients typically feel a release of energy. The overall sensation of the session is pleasant, relaxing, and balancing. People often fall asleep.
Our Acupuncturists:
Ron Kelter
Ron is a practicing Acupuncturist and Physician Assistant in Family Medicine. Ron says, “I strive to help individuals encourage their bodies and minds…
David Eyerman
David has been practicing acupuncture for 6 years and is also a life/health coach. Here’s how David describes acupuncture: “Acupuncture is full-person medicine.…
Kathy Schermerhorn
Kathy has been an acupuncturist for over 20 years. She is a long-time practitioner of T’ai Chi and student of Classical Chinese Medicine. …